Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Dog

My Dog. In another installment of the perils or owning a perro... I have a stupid financial debt because of my dog, I dog I do not live with. My boyfriend and I share a dog, a chihuahua. It was his dog originally and when I agreed to care for her while he was away (he lives somewhere where he cannot own a pet) she was a beautiful happy thing when I started caring for her in March of 2011. However that summer Candy (not her real name) got very ill and had to get surgery. So, I decided it was time for me to get her doggy insurance. I got Candy the top notch monthly insurance, which costs me $45/month. I had to sign an agreement for a year. Her surgery cost around $700 that the insurance helped pay for, without it it would've cost easily double that. Last fall I had to travel for a series of weeks for work, so I let Candy stay with my boyfriend's mother in a town about 4 hours away. During that time in mine and BF's relationship we were going through some tough times, so I never got Candy back. Now I have to pay her $700 in monthly installments and her insurance. Thankfully I will be done paying these soon. Why did the BF not help you may ask? Well he did, a lot, and that money is long gone to due to my irresponsible spending. Hopefully I will be done with this and have this Candy debt off my back soon. I love you Candy.

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