Lately I have felt a little down and sometimes downright depressed about my current work situation. I feel as though I want a new job, but somehow that seems so difficult to do, I know I should just concentrate on making a stellar resume and go from there. Still I can't seem to get myself motivated to get on that path.
I listen to the 48 Days podcast by Dan Miller and I am truly inspired by his coaching and resources. I reached out to the website and contacted them about coaching, the total cost for a 2 hour coaching session with Dan Miller: $4,500. WAY out of my budget, so I have decided I will coach myself with the Dan Miller material.
This is my plan:
Read 48 Days to the Work You Love read by November 1st (will post review here)
Read Wisdom Meets Passion (Read by December 1st)
Read his newly released book of 48 Low Cost Business Ideas (Read through December before the new year)
I will keep you all update on this process.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Going back to school!
I decided I am going back to school to earn a degree. I don’t have any college credits, I went to college in 2007
and it was for only one pre-college course! I have always felt very embarrassed for
not going to school, which is sad seeing as it wasn’t really because I was lazy
or stupid but mostly because I did not have the resources.
In recent months the thought of going back to school has
been persistent in my mind. I started by doing
some research on online college. Even though I am only 25 due to my
professional career I don’t feel right going to a campus, plus my employer is
super against people furthering their education… Really.
I researched online schools and I found a couple, I
fooloshigly called a few and then they hounded me forever. I saw that the
credits for online schools were around $400 to $1200 for the University of Phoenix,
which is a total scam! I then researched my community colleges, I had no idea
you could go to college online through a community school, I was so happy.
I went back to the school I originally was going to, a community
college a county over, the credits there are only $103 for a highly regarded
public school! I will be able to study online and take all of my classes online
for an associates degree.
I am so happy, I will start in the winter term! I will
update you all with my exact costs, I will start with 2 online classes.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
A Debt Settlement Story
Funny this links up to my recent computer fiasco, once these things happen in such synchronicity it's weird for me to think everything is not connected. I feel like a life cycle of mine is coming to an end and another one is starting.
I bought a Toshiba laptop over 2 and a half years ago after my divorce. I didn't have money for it, but I needed it for work, so I charged it up on a debit card that did not have funds, over-drafted and never looked back and paid for it. I then proceeded to close that bank account and started a new account at a new bank, I know, mature. I felt a lot of guilt about this for a long time, and there were many times where I could've paid for it but I didn't. The only reason for that was my maturity just wasn't there to understand the importance of paying off your debts, not only to make good on the money you borrowed but also for your feelings about yourself.
I owed this $500+ since the Summer of 2009. I lived with it, I got calls and letters and my feelings towards it were filled with guilt but not enough guilt to make me work a little harder in the savings department to pay for it.
This past Summer 2012, when I finally got my sh*t together I got an offer in the mail to settle this debt for $285, still, I didn't pay for it. Till one day I picked up the letter and called the collection agency, I told them I wanted to settle but didn't have the money, of course they asked "how much do you have"...I said less than $200.
They in turn offered to settle with me for $225 and I did, I paid right there and finally got this out of my life. I don't even have that laptop anymore. I dropped it and broke the side of it and used it for a few months like that until my parents gave me a new computer for Christmas in 2011.
I don't feel proud about settling for less than half what I owed, one thing I do feel though is a much stronger sense of maturity. I believe that is 70% of finally getting your finances straight, the other 30% involves action and actually doing it.
Do you have/had any debts laying around that maturity kept you from properly paying back?
I bought a Toshiba laptop over 2 and a half years ago after my divorce. I didn't have money for it, but I needed it for work, so I charged it up on a debit card that did not have funds, over-drafted and never looked back and paid for it. I then proceeded to close that bank account and started a new account at a new bank, I know, mature. I felt a lot of guilt about this for a long time, and there were many times where I could've paid for it but I didn't. The only reason for that was my maturity just wasn't there to understand the importance of paying off your debts, not only to make good on the money you borrowed but also for your feelings about yourself.
I owed this $500+ since the Summer of 2009. I lived with it, I got calls and letters and my feelings towards it were filled with guilt but not enough guilt to make me work a little harder in the savings department to pay for it.
This past Summer 2012, when I finally got my sh*t together I got an offer in the mail to settle this debt for $285, still, I didn't pay for it. Till one day I picked up the letter and called the collection agency, I told them I wanted to settle but didn't have the money, of course they asked "how much do you have"...I said less than $200.
They in turn offered to settle with me for $225 and I did, I paid right there and finally got this out of my life. I don't even have that laptop anymore. I dropped it and broke the side of it and used it for a few months like that until my parents gave me a new computer for Christmas in 2011.
I don't feel proud about settling for less than half what I owed, one thing I do feel though is a much stronger sense of maturity. I believe that is 70% of finally getting your finances straight, the other 30% involves action and actually doing it.
Do you have/had any debts laying around that maturity kept you from properly paying back?
Friday, October 5, 2012
Life Update!
So much has happened since my last post here, my head has been spinning for the past few months and I have been unable to properly organize my thoughts and make them into a nice neat post that I felt would be useful or entertaining for anyone.
Financial Updates!
Some GREAT things have been happening for me financially, funny thing is I felt weird blogging about them because I did not want to jinx them.
Financial Updates!
Some GREAT things have been happening for me financially, funny thing is I felt weird blogging about them because I did not want to jinx them.
- First victory: I was able to re-finance my auto loan and I got my interest to go from 26.7% (this should be illegal) to 10.99%!!! YAY! Now I am STILL working on my credit, I hope that in 6 months time or less I will be able to re-finance and get an even better rate. I did make one mistake during the re-financing process, I was offered a 3 year loan instead of another 4 year loan, and without much thinking I took the 4 year loan... ughh why did I do that, anyways, hopefully I will be able to re-finance once again soon.
- I was able to get my first credit card with a high limit! Well, a high limit for me at least, I was able to get a credit card with a $2,000 limit.
- My car insurance rates have lowered by $25/month! I have 2 tickets on my file that will not drop out of my history for at least 2 more years, my rates when I first got my car earlier this year were $275/month, after major examining and re-structuring of the rates I was able to get them down to $245/month. Six months later at my policy renewal and I'm at $220!
All of these "great" things were able to happen because I was able to pay off my credit card balances. Unfortunately now I have a HUGE balance again $1250 on my new credit card. However this is okay because it was for emergencies, $465 for car re-financing, $300 medical expense and $200 for new tires. I have to work towards paying this balance off and then maybe my score will jump back up again and I will be able to re-finance and lower my payments further.
I have also been working on a new professional project. I started my own consulting business. I have managed hundreds of employees in a retail environment for years, therefore I created a service to help others get into the retail industry with more ease and with changes of getting better employment opportunities. I have very reasonable rates and and willing to be flexible with them.
Check it out:
Monday, June 18, 2012
1st World Problems: I hate my new Mac!
Okay, so before you slap me in the face because of such a stupid subject line please hear me out. If you have read any of my older posts you will know I am in no financial position to be purchasing new technology right now, so no I did not buy this new laptop for myself. My company gives out Macs to top employees that do a lot of travelling, yay me! I was on a long waiting list and I finally got my Mac book pro this past Friday. I have never owned a Mac, I have been a PC girl all my life. I recently converted to using an I-phone (also provided by my company), so that's the extend of my knowledge with Apple products. The problem is this new Mac is so foreign to me, I got so frustrated trying to use it for the past few days that I would get so annoyed, put it aside, and pick up my old trusty HP laptop. Then I couldn't concentrate and do anything on my PC because I felt so much guilt like I should be using my new Mac. I feel like I am in laptop purgatory.
As soon as I got news that I would be getting my Mac I started thinking about selling my PC and putting that money towards my credit card debt. Turns out my mom and brother wanted to purchase it! Yay - so I'm selling in to my brother for $50 tomorrow (its an old model). I've been watching my credit card balance like a hawk, as if the balance would lower if I don't actually pay the bill... makes no sense. So this $50 is actually a huge deal to me.
Anyways - I'm feeling so much anxiety over handing over my trusty partner good old HP. It has a much bigger screen, 17" I think and my new Mac is a 13" so I feel "uncomfortable" using it (I know you have probably rolled your eyes about 5 times by now). I think all of this anxiety is stemming from something bigger though...
When I went through my divorce a few years ago I was left computer-less, during that time of horrible confusion and stress I charged a $500 Toshiba laptop on an old debit card over-drafting that account. I never went back and paid for it. I know, thankfully I'm a much better human now. Well I used that computer for a long time and then I dropped it and broke it, then my parents saved me by giving me this HP. I am finally going to pay off that debt to the old laptop and I feel like I I have come such a long way in my maturity level that giving up on my PC will be like letting go of something, I'm not sure exactly what yet.
I always thought Mac people were so fancy and snobby. In my early twenties I couldn't even imagine purchasing an $1,000+ laptop. I feel like I'm scared of embarking on this new journey of being the Mac user. Well, this is my last post using my PC, good bye old friend.
As soon as I got news that I would be getting my Mac I started thinking about selling my PC and putting that money towards my credit card debt. Turns out my mom and brother wanted to purchase it! Yay - so I'm selling in to my brother for $50 tomorrow (its an old model). I've been watching my credit card balance like a hawk, as if the balance would lower if I don't actually pay the bill... makes no sense. So this $50 is actually a huge deal to me.
Anyways - I'm feeling so much anxiety over handing over my trusty partner good old HP. It has a much bigger screen, 17" I think and my new Mac is a 13" so I feel "uncomfortable" using it (I know you have probably rolled your eyes about 5 times by now). I think all of this anxiety is stemming from something bigger though...
When I went through my divorce a few years ago I was left computer-less, during that time of horrible confusion and stress I charged a $500 Toshiba laptop on an old debit card over-drafting that account. I never went back and paid for it. I know, thankfully I'm a much better human now. Well I used that computer for a long time and then I dropped it and broke it, then my parents saved me by giving me this HP. I am finally going to pay off that debt to the old laptop and I feel like I I have come such a long way in my maturity level that giving up on my PC will be like letting go of something, I'm not sure exactly what yet.
I always thought Mac people were so fancy and snobby. In my early twenties I couldn't even imagine purchasing an $1,000+ laptop. I feel like I'm scared of embarking on this new journey of being the Mac user. Well, this is my last post using my PC, good bye old friend.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
My Financial Counseling Session
My new bank, USAA, offers free financial counseling over the phone. My bank is known for it's excellent customer service, so I always thought about calling them up to see what advice they would have for little old me. Today when I was driving home from work the highway came to a total stop and I was sitting there for about 20 minutes dying in the heat. The temperature outside was about 95 degrees and my A/C needs more fluid as per my last car check up. The place I usually go to for oil changes quoted me $140 to fix my A/C. I got so frustrated because of the heat that I decided I was going to drive straight to the car shop to get my A/C fixed as soon as traffic started to move again. I looked up my checking account on my phone and saw I needed to pull from my e-fund to pay for this repair. My heart sunk it took me so much work to save up the $300 sad dollars that I currently sitting in that account, so sitting there sweating I called my bank to see if they could advise me.
I got on the phone with a super friendly lady who actually seemed like she was my age and knew exactly what I was going through. I explained to her all of my woes, my credit card balances my debt due to my dog's surgery. I vented to her about my sky high car insurance rates and my 27.63% interest rate on my used car loan, yes you read that right, 27.63%.
I told her I didn't know whether to save up $1,000 for an E-fund first because I felt suffocated by my credit card debt. I explained to her how I budget using two separate bank account, and funny enough she told me that's how she budgeted herself!
These are the steps she told me to take to better my financial life:
I got on the phone with a super friendly lady who actually seemed like she was my age and knew exactly what I was going through. I explained to her all of my woes, my credit card balances my debt due to my dog's surgery. I vented to her about my sky high car insurance rates and my 27.63% interest rate on my used car loan, yes you read that right, 27.63%.
I told her I didn't know whether to save up $1,000 for an E-fund first because I felt suffocated by my credit card debt. I explained to her how I budget using two separate bank account, and funny enough she told me that's how she budgeted herself!
These are the steps she told me to take to better my financial life:
- Whenever I get paid automatically save $50. The reason for this is because I told her that I am always pulling money from my savings to finish covering my variable expenses (gas & food). Only putting $50 in savings is comfortable amount for me right now.
- Keep most of my money in my fixed expenses account and transfer $400 into my variable expenses account.
- After two weeks everything that is left in my fixed expenses account transfer half into savings and half towards the credit cards.
- Instead of saving $1,000 towards emergencies, she told me to save 1 month's worth of expenses which for me will come to $1,755.
- After I have saved up one month's worth of expenses then I am to call her back and we can start to discuss retirement savings.
I am so happy with this plan. I think this will really help me now get the ball rolling. As far as the A/C for my car - I decided to wait and budget for it. I have two big purchases that I have coming up $140 for my A/C and a plane ticket to visit my boyfriend which is looking like it will cost me around $150 - $250.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Spending Recap! 6/3 - 6/9
This is my spending for this past week, I made a pie chart so I can have a clear visual on what I spend my money on. This week I felt very deprived, and by looking at this chart I don't see how I could possibly have felt that way! My biggest expenses are still food and gas. This week I felt very lonely from staying home so much, whenever I got coffee or lunch that was during work. I'm not really sure how I can cut back any more, I actually was feeling so deprived that's why I had my impulse spending on Friday on clothes. I hate how much money I spend on gas, and I have a very small and economic car. I spent $276 for one person for a week, am I crazy?
Sunday 6/3 : No Spend!
Monday 6/4:
$36 Groceries
$39 Gas
$8 Lunch
$11.50 Pharmacy
Tuesday 6/5:
$6 Lunch
$4 Coffee
Total: $10
Wednesday 6/6:
$20 Groceries
$4 Coffee
$25 Dinner
Thursday 6/7:
$4 Coffee
$25 dinner!
$20 Gas
Friday 6/8:
$8.50 parking
$31 clothes
$11 dinner!
Saturday 6/9:
$16 Groceries
$7 Lunch
$25 gas
Sunday 6/3 : No Spend!
Monday 6/4:
$36 Groceries
$39 Gas
$8 Lunch
$11.50 Pharmacy
Tuesday 6/5:
$6 Lunch
$4 Coffee
Total: $10
Wednesday 6/6:
$20 Groceries
$4 Coffee
$25 Dinner
Thursday 6/7:
$4 Coffee
$25 dinner!
$20 Gas
Friday 6/8:
$8.50 parking
$31 clothes
$11 dinner!
Saturday 6/9:
$16 Groceries
$7 Lunch
$25 gas
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Links for the Week!
So much has happened this week, my head is spinning! These were the most interesting and favorite links of mine:
Additional Characteristics that Separate the Self Manager from Normal People by Joyful Self Manager
Rich People Like Fake Jewelry Too by Shopping to Saving
Creflo Dollar, Joel Osteen and the Prosperity Gospel by Married with Debt
Financial life lessons: True blood edition by Serendipity
Are you underestimating your abilities and potential? by Money Reasons
Addictions ruin budgets by Master the Art of Saving
Miracle Mac-n-Cheese by Budget Bytes
Has travel become a way to keep up with the Jonses? by Well Heeled
Additional Characteristics that Separate the Self Manager from Normal People by Joyful Self Manager
Rich People Like Fake Jewelry Too by Shopping to Saving
Creflo Dollar, Joel Osteen and the Prosperity Gospel by Married with Debt
Financial life lessons: True blood edition by Serendipity
Are you underestimating your abilities and potential? by Money Reasons
Addictions ruin budgets by Master the Art of Saving
Miracle Mac-n-Cheese by Budget Bytes
Has travel become a way to keep up with the Jonses? by Well Heeled
- I also learned about Ready For Zero. I started using it to manage my credit card debt and payments. If I follow through I can be credit card debt free by August of this year! It did tell me to pay off my card with the highest interest first, but I can pay off one of my cards with just one payment for the high interest card - so I'll do that first.
- I got my pin in the mail from And Then She Saved! Yay so cute!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
At least I tried?
Two years ago I made a huge mistake with my one of my credit cards, this resulted in me now having a pretty repulsive looking credit score. What did I do that was so wrong? I did not pay my credit card bill for over 3 months, I wrote about this on an early post.
After doing some research I learned that this information will only go away from your credit report after 7 years. I also learned that there is something you could try to do to get this information removed, and that is to write a letter to the creditor requesting that the late payments be removed out of goodwill. If you were experiencing serious hardship during the time that you made the late payments and now currently you are in good standing you can write to them explaining that and ask that in their goodwill they can remove the bad marks.
Well, during the time that I made those late payments I was going through some personal tribulations. One major one was me being in the middle of a divorce which besides leaving me broke led me to have to move to a different city and that took some time settling in. I included all of this info in my letter and sent it off crossing my fingers hoping this would work.
The reason why I would like for this to be removed from my credit report is because I am looking to buy a house within the next few years and my credit score is horrendous. Also, I just got financing on a used car and my interest rate is out of control! I would love to be able to refinance it.
I got a response letter in the mail today and what did it say? "After reviewing your account we have determined that the information in regards to your payment dates is accurate". So basically, they did not remove the bad credit remarks from my credit report. I know this may even seem naive a bit, but I refuse to see it that way. I screwed up a few years ago and this was me trying to see if I could catch a break somehow, well turns out I couldn't. I'm okay with that though, I will continue to pay my crazy interest rates for a few more years knowing that I will not ever make the same silly mistakes I made in the past again.
After doing some research I learned that this information will only go away from your credit report after 7 years. I also learned that there is something you could try to do to get this information removed, and that is to write a letter to the creditor requesting that the late payments be removed out of goodwill. If you were experiencing serious hardship during the time that you made the late payments and now currently you are in good standing you can write to them explaining that and ask that in their goodwill they can remove the bad marks.

The reason why I would like for this to be removed from my credit report is because I am looking to buy a house within the next few years and my credit score is horrendous. Also, I just got financing on a used car and my interest rate is out of control! I would love to be able to refinance it.
I got a response letter in the mail today and what did it say? "After reviewing your account we have determined that the information in regards to your payment dates is accurate". So basically, they did not remove the bad credit remarks from my credit report. I know this may even seem naive a bit, but I refuse to see it that way. I screwed up a few years ago and this was me trying to see if I could catch a break somehow, well turns out I couldn't. I'm okay with that though, I will continue to pay my crazy interest rates for a few more years knowing that I will not ever make the same silly mistakes I made in the past again.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Budgeting using checking accounts
After paying an ungodly amount in over-draft fees and running into too many "oh crap I don't have money to pay *insert bill here*" scenarios, I decided to try something I little different with how I manage my checking account.
First and foremost I recently switched banks, I now have an account with a bank where checking accounts are 100% free (this is becoming rare in my neck of the woods). I then opened not one, but two checking accounts. I decided to use them as tools for budgeting. One checking account I have nicknamed for Variable Expenses and the other Fixed Expenses. I have set up for my automatic direct deposit money to go into my fixed expenses account, then I have automatic transfers from that account going into my variable spending and savings account. This way I have a limited amount of money I can spend for my variable expenses (gas, food) and I can have a full proof way of saving myself from ever running the risk of spending my rent money again. Also my new bank has excellent tracking tools for budgeting, I am able to select view specific categories in variable spending and see where I stand without having to filter through my regular bill expenses.
I have to allocate a certain amount into my variable expenses account because for me it is too hard to track and control my variable spending. I feel like my own daily life is just too hectic and crazy for me to track my expenses and stay within specific dollar amounts for each category. For me tracking them all together from a bigger money pile of money is so much easier.
I also set up automatic bill payments out of my fixed expenses account, this way I don't run the risk of ever forgetting to pay a bill either!
That is what has worked for me, I know it may seem silly to some, but I am trying really hard to build my self control muscle when it comes to swiping my debit card. It has been such difficult lesson for me. It's funny because I exhibit great self control in many other areas of my life, finances though are definitely my Achilles heel.
Let me know what works for you!
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Yakezie Challenge!

I have joined the Yakezie challenge! (see my badge to the right).
I am really looking forward to becoming a part of the PF community. I think I really need the support and helpful advice from everyone to stay motivated and get out of debt.
I have my Alexa score badge thingy, and, funny thing I don't have a score! Hopefully that will improve. It is a 6 month period trial before you become a part of the Yakezie Network.
So, for me that would me December 2nd 2012.
Looking forward to it!
Monday, June 4, 2012
Monday Lessons for the Week
I learned so much this past week! I had to take a few days off from work because I had such a bad cold. I now definitely feel inspired and empowered, ready to take on this week!
- I got some serious advice on how to buckle down and go bare bones for a while from The Happy Homeowner
- I realized I wasn't the only one that dealt with the issue of mostly having friends who have money (or spend like they do at least) thanks Budget and the Beach!
- I giggled from reading From Shopping to Saving's post on being obsessed with PF blogging. Before I started writing it was pretty much all I read online!
- Read up and learned about Amazon's trade in store fromSo Over Debt. I've sold things on the site before, but never traded anything in, will definitely be looking into doing that soon.
- Went back in time thanks to Budgets Are Sexy and was able to see the very first issue from Money magazine! Interesting! Love the vintage drawing of the woman carrying the groceries.
- Definitely got inspired from seeing Fabulously Broke's closet makeover!
Nervous About June
So.... I was thinking about this upcoming month. I thought I was literally going to be *ballin'* because this is a month with 3 pay checks. I get paid on the 1st, 15th & 29th. BUT I'm kind of confused because looking through my bills things don't seem be adding up.
Bills for 6/1 paycheck: check $1400
-$750 rent due on the 1st
-$153.12 Dog's surgery payment due on the 1st
-$325 extra car payment made by accident due on the 1st
-$37.48 internet bill due on the 7th
-$25 Credit Card payment
Paycheck minus all of that equals: $109!!!
Coming in, hopefully!!!
$250 rent from roommate
$60 extra money
$150 extra income for expenses
So... $109 + 460 = 569 - 200 VARIABLE = 369.
I need to have this $369 in savings. I absolutely need to!!!! Currently my EFund is at ZERO. That is a recipe for disaster.
I wont be getting these extra money in for probably until the second week. So that means for the first week I will have only $100 in variable spending. Obviously what screwed me over was making my car payment twice! I was so nervous I missed it that I paid it twice... It brought my total left over amount for the car to $7,999 which is nice to be under $8k but still, I really could've used that money. It seems like every month something silly like that comes up.
Bills for 6/15 paycheck: check $1400
-$42.95 pet insurance due on the 19. I only have one more of these payments left! yay!
-$325 car payment due on the 21
-$265 car insurance due on the 21
-$100 credit card payment due on the 23
-$20 gas bill
I should be left over with around 647 from this check. 647 - 200 variables for these two weeks: 447 + 369 = 816.
I could have 816 in my EFund by July. I have to keep my entire variable spending for the month to $400. I think I can do it. I went insane in May with my spending. Now that I have all of this info layed out I think it will be extra motivayion for me to stick to it. $816 in an EFund would be amazing. I would almost be done with baby step #1 in my first month. *fingers crossed*
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Weekly Recap 5/28 - 6/3
Monday 5/28: No Spend on Memorial Day!
Tuesday 5/29:
$11.77 necklace
$3.16 Starbucks
$14.33 Gas
$21.41 Groceris
ummm not good!
Wednesday 5/30:
$5.33 Panera: NOT worth it, the soup sucked
$8.04 more gas
Thursday 5/31:
$15 gas
$3.34 coffee: NOT worth it, gave me a toothache
Friday 6/1:
.75 cents can of soda
Saturday 6/2:
$17 Groceries
$12 pharmacy
$10 gas
Not good, I need to cut back on my spending for random foods!
Saturday, June 2, 2012
5 Traits of High Achievers
I was listening to the latest Dan Miller 48 Days podcast and today he brought something up quite interesting. I felt compelled to write this down and see how I measured up to these traits.
5 Traits of High Achievers
- Access to Counsel: Coaching, mentoring + being around success. I'm pretty good with this. I LOVE listening to podcasts and pretty much spend all of my free time doing things that will lead to self improvement.
- Connections + Collaborations: Wide networks of friends. Eh...lately duh to some personal issues I have been very anti-social. I need to look up some networking groups or something, I have isolated myself and I know that is NOT good.
- They take breaks! It's not a matter of time. It's a matter of doing things different. Not good with this one either. Whenever I'm not working I struggle with guilt... as if I am suppose to work 24/7. I'm trying to work through this.
- They have lives outside of work: Rich private lives. Another FAIL. This is not looking good. With a long distance relationship and my recent isolation stint my personal life has been pretty much non-existent. Why do I sound so sad and lonely?
- Strategies + Systems: Focus + clarity + plan + execute. I'm good at focus + executions, I'm not so stellar at clarity and planning. Two out of four is better than nothing huh?
Okay, so I have a few things to work on. But I don't feel so horrible about myself. I guess I earned a 1.5 out of 4. I am hoping that by the end of the year my goal will be to work on and develop my other traits.
Hope this helps!
Friday, June 1, 2012
Debt Snowball Calculator
I'm not the best at keeping track of budgets and I am horrible at Excel, but I came across this handy dady tool. If you are into Dave Ramsey and the debt snowball idea this is for you! This is the link to the calculator:
Debt Snowball Calculator
It gives you the date you are suppose to have your debts paid off!!!
Hopefully following this I can be debt free by December of next year! That would be great news seeing as I financed my car for 42 months.
Hope this helps!
Debt Snowball Calculator
It gives you the date you are suppose to have your debts paid off!!!
Hopefully following this I can be debt free by December of next year! That would be great news seeing as I financed my car for 42 months.
Hope this helps!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
May Recap
May Budget Recap:
Ummm so May basically killed me. This is what happened in my variable spending:
Restaurant/Dining: 283.61 BUDGET: 150
Gas: 410.24 BUDGET: 250
Groceries: 432.09 BUDGET: 200
Non-budget spending: 997.40
Total E-Fund: $140
What happened this month:
- Brother got sick so I helped him with buying his medication: $150
- Drove out of state, that had something to do with the $410 in gas and $76 in tolls.
- Got an oil change/tire rotation after driving so far: $106
- Had to start paying down the debt on my dog's surgery: $153
June Goals:
- Stick to groceries + restaurant budget
- Have 15 no spend days!
- Buy BF present for graduation gift
- Buy flight to see BF for graduation in the end of the month
- Get rid of Capital One debt *fingers crossed*
- Bring E-Fund to $400
From next week on I will be doing a weekly budget update! So I'm excited about that. Every Sunday, so I can track my weeks and hopefully stay more on track to prevent disasters such as May.
It's hard for me, or most people I would imagine, to have face to face time with a friend to discuss finances for about an hour a day. No one really wants to sit that and do it with you, unless I guess you pay for a financial counselor.
Well, one of my favorite resources for "discussing" personal finance, even though you do all the listening, is through podcasts! Every one has their own mentors and favorite personal finance celebs and here are mine:
Dave Ramsey - even though I'm not a fan of his political or spiritual views I do like his no nonsense ways of dealing with personal finances. I listened to his "Total Money Makeover" audio book twice and I admit there are some very basic things he talks about that sometimes you need to be reminded of.
Suze Orman - I learned about her through Oprah's "O" magazine. I LOVE her Saturday night tv show however I rarely get to watch seeing as I do not have cable! I have rented nearly all of her DVDs through Netflix though and I own one of her books. I love the way she empowers women.
Gail Vaz-Oxlade - I lover her Till Debt Due Us Part show, which comes on right after Suze's show. I have lurked the web so so many times looking for her "Princess" show that is only available in Canada!
I know these are the basic people for personal finance, but it's whom I follow mostly and learned the most from. I would happily read and look into any other PF gurus that are recommended!
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Accepting Responsibility
Small steps towards accepting you need a financial make over:
1. You need to realize no one can spend your money other than you.
2. You need to stop, sit and think about what you envision your future to be like.
3. You need to realize you are responsible for your future.
4. You need to accept responsibility for your well-being.
Yes, these seem very basic. But in February 2010 when I started my financial make over I had to sit and meditate on all of these things. I did not realize back then all of the affects my spending habits had on my very life. I know this may sound very naive but for some of us who were teenagers during the economy boom years it was very hard to understand how everything changed after the markets crashed in 2008. That was when I was just entering the workforce and controlling money was a new foreign concept.
I hope this helps!
1. You need to realize no one can spend your money other than you.
2. You need to stop, sit and think about what you envision your future to be like.
3. You need to realize you are responsible for your future.
4. You need to accept responsibility for your well-being.
Yes, these seem very basic. But in February 2010 when I started my financial make over I had to sit and meditate on all of these things. I did not realize back then all of the affects my spending habits had on my very life. I know this may sound very naive but for some of us who were teenagers during the economy boom years it was very hard to understand how everything changed after the markets crashed in 2008. That was when I was just entering the workforce and controlling money was a new foreign concept.
I hope this helps!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Making Up with Make Up
For the past few months I really cut back on my frivolous spending. A few years back I found a passion in make up, I love love lipstick and blushes. In my early twenties I went nuts buying expensive MAC items. I go through times of serious "cleansing" and these expensive make up items were victims of these times.
This past Friday though I was aching for a new pop of color so I went to my local CVS and I browsed for a really long time and I found these NYC .99 cent lipsticks. Now here is something I do not feel guilty buying! So I bought 3 colors.
316 Blossom: waste of money - this is a very cheap looking color, kind of a gross loud pink.
305 Ruby: Eh okay.
308 Retro Red: Worth the $2 other dollars I spent on the other 3 colors. This red is beautiful!!! I am so glad I discovered such a cheap nice red, it is so creamy and wonderful and not cheap feeling at all.
If you are in the mood for a nice beautiful pop of red for barely any money I would suggest this lipstick.
This past Friday though I was aching for a new pop of color so I went to my local CVS and I browsed for a really long time and I found these NYC .99 cent lipsticks. Now here is something I do not feel guilty buying! So I bought 3 colors.
316 Blossom: waste of money - this is a very cheap looking color, kind of a gross loud pink.
305 Ruby: Eh okay.
308 Retro Red: Worth the $2 other dollars I spent on the other 3 colors. This red is beautiful!!! I am so glad I discovered such a cheap nice red, it is so creamy and wonderful and not cheap feeling at all.
If you are in the mood for a nice beautiful pop of red for barely any money I would suggest this lipstick.
Tracking My Spending
Tracking my spending has been very difficult. I have tried different methods and nothing seems to stick. I think now I have found the solution.
Mint did not work for me. I had a love/hate relationship with Mint. I started using it and I loved it, until I started to get paranoid about having all of my accounts linked and all of this personal info given to this website. I mean my entire financial life was on this thing. Another thing that started to get to me was the fact that it would not update very often or accurately enough, I don't know why it had a hard time linking up to my bank. So I gave it up, then after a few months I got back on it and then I gave it up again about 2 months ago.
EBBA is the envelop system, except for it's a website and an app. I paid $5 for this service! I was convinced it was going to work for me, until I didn't. I just had a hard time tracking my spending and I was not able to get used to jotting down everything I spent on my phone after every purchase. I don't know why. Plus it did not automatically connect to my bank account, which mind you was the reason why I got it. It was very difficult for me at least, I really like the concept though.
Now I have 2 checking accounts, I have all of my bills coming out of an account I call "Fixed Expenses" and I have a debit card for and account I call "Variable Expenses". I just started this early this month, but so far this seems to be working for me! I like not having the stress of having all of my money into one account and then not knowing if I'm spending my bills money.
What tracking methods have worked for you?
Mint did not work for me. I had a love/hate relationship with Mint. I started using it and I loved it, until I started to get paranoid about having all of my accounts linked and all of this personal info given to this website. I mean my entire financial life was on this thing. Another thing that started to get to me was the fact that it would not update very often or accurately enough, I don't know why it had a hard time linking up to my bank. So I gave it up, then after a few months I got back on it and then I gave it up again about 2 months ago.
EBBA is the envelop system, except for it's a website and an app. I paid $5 for this service! I was convinced it was going to work for me, until I didn't. I just had a hard time tracking my spending and I was not able to get used to jotting down everything I spent on my phone after every purchase. I don't know why. Plus it did not automatically connect to my bank account, which mind you was the reason why I got it. It was very difficult for me at least, I really like the concept though.
Now I have 2 checking accounts, I have all of my bills coming out of an account I call "Fixed Expenses" and I have a debit card for and account I call "Variable Expenses". I just started this early this month, but so far this seems to be working for me! I like not having the stress of having all of my money into one account and then not knowing if I'm spending my bills money.
What tracking methods have worked for you?
The Dog
My Dog.
In another installment of the perils or owning a perro... I have a stupid financial debt because of my dog, I dog I do not live with. My boyfriend and I share a dog, a chihuahua. It was his dog originally and when I agreed to care for her while he was away (he lives somewhere where he cannot own a pet) she was a beautiful happy thing when I started caring for her in March of 2011. However that summer Candy (not her real name) got very ill and had to get surgery. So, I decided it was time for me to get her doggy insurance. I got Candy the top notch monthly insurance, which costs me $45/month. I had to sign an agreement for a year. Her surgery cost around $700 that the insurance helped pay for, without it it would've cost easily double that.
Last fall I had to travel for a series of weeks for work, so I let Candy stay with my boyfriend's mother in a town about 4 hours away. During that time in mine and BF's relationship we were going through some tough times, so I never got Candy back. Now I have to pay her $700 in monthly installments and her insurance. Thankfully I will be done paying these soon.
Why did the BF not help you may ask? Well he did, a lot, and that money is long gone to due to my irresponsible spending.
Hopefully I will be done with this and have this Candy debt off my back soon.
I love you Candy.
Majorly Stupid Financial Decisions
On this Tuesday confession I will admit something I did in my twenties that I hate. Something I regret and I will have to wait 7 years to get it cleared from.
I did not make a single payment on a credit card bill I had for 90 days.
Yes, I know, cringe worthy. I did not pay my Capital One credit card from November 2009 until January 2010. I've read around the web that not paying a bill for 90 days is the equivalent of a bankrupcy on your credit report. While I hope that this is over stated, I do see the incredible toll this takes on my score.
Now I have to wait until 2017 to have this cleared. Why did I not pay this bill you may ask? Simply because I did not care about it. Yes, you read it right, I did not care. My balance was around $50 at the time, it was simple stupidity and lack of understanding of what that was actually doing to my credit score. I did not have parents that sat me down and thought me about finances, I am not using that as an excuse, just a means to say that yes some of my lessons were learned the hard way.
This blog will keep me accountable, I have found a passion for personal finances and with writing this I know I will be able to stay on track and no longer make any more incredibly stupid mistakes such as this one in my future.
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